This is the body of your About page. Viewers go to this page to find out everything about your business. And we mean everything. The beauty of this page? You control the content. Explain what your business is about, what your mission is, and how you came to be the business you are today. This is your soapbox. Think about the who, what, where, when and why of your business.
Your About page can include as many page blurbs as you need (we recommend up to three). Each page blurb should be around 100 words. Be informative and concise with your words. Tell your story, but be careful not to have too much text so you don’t overwhelm your viewers. Why are you in business? Who are your customers? How are you different from the competition? What image do you want your business to convey?
If you need help writing content for your About page, consider splitting up the page into different topics. Common topics include: the history of your business, your mission statement, your philosophy, what separates you from your competition, what your business specializes in, any influential figures or events that helped your business get to where it is today, and the list goes on.
Mike McCormick joined the team in 2013 and has been in the industry for the past 5 years. He hails from Columbus, Ohio and moved here to pursue his career. He’s worked with hundreds of clients and has earned the knick-name “The Jokester” because of his jolly attitude.
Brandon Brown has been working in the industry for over 15 years. He grew up in California and moved to Boston for college. He joined our team in 2005 and has been a tremendous addition.
Allison Armstrong is a seasoned veteran in the industry, holding over 20 years of experience in the field. Amy’s most notable skill is her ability to keep cool while handling the expectations of all her clients.
Off the clock work. Late payment of wages or commissions. Failure to pay vacation and personal time. Unpaid overtime. Late payment of final wages or commissions. Design defect. Manufacturing defect. Failure to warn of dangerous nature of a product. Failure to honor warranties. Products failing to work as promised